Phil Baroni's One FC Blog, Part 1
Aug 24, 2011

Baroni is back in action and blogging for | Photo: Jim
Popular welterweight puncher Phil Baroni ( will blog his experiences leading up to his One FC fight with Yoshiyuki Yoshida for readers. One FC "Champion vs. Champion" streams live on on Sept. 3, live from Kallang, Singapore.
So I have a cornerman, and a great cornerman at that. I'm in good condition; my weight is pretty good. I am 190 today, as my fight is at 175. I'm feeling strong, fit and well-prepared. I spent the last three months in camp back at AKA. I love getting to drive there every day, it's beautiful. I was back here at AKA doing some kind of training, preparing to fight, since mid-May, so this camp couldn't have been stronger.
I'm training hard, two-a-days, sparring hard three times a week, really putting the work in. I know I need this win badly right now, as far as my career goes. I really am doing what it takes to give myself the best possible chance to excel.
I have been staying in good shape with my eye on the prize for a long time. At least for me, I never went up to my usual 230- or 240- fat bastard form. I have kept my weight down and have stayed in the gym longer than I have in a long time when getting ready for a fight. Come to think about it, the only time I stayed in shape like this was when I was fighting every six weeks or so, back in Pride six years ago.
All told, I feel ready. I wonder if it has to do with spending more time this year in San Jose than I have in Vegas. Coffee shops are a lot healthier than slot bars. Beaches and quaint towns are better than discotheques and strip clubs. Think that could have something to do with it?
Sept. 3, I am beating this chump's ass. Make sure you catch it, streaming on Sherdog.
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